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Are Super Greens Powders Worth It?

Are Super Greens Powders Worth It?

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor craig Published 14 May 2023
Time to read 9 min

Greens powders make for a unique, nutritious group of foods that hail from the grass and algae families, along with other fruits and veggies. You can enjoy these plant foods as they are, but super greens powders are a popular, convenient option, as well.


We’ve researched the ins and outs of these superfood greens powders, from the ingredients to the benefits, to provide you with an updated profile and help you decide if they’re worth it.

What Are Super Greens?

This food group gets its title from all of the antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins the greens contain. These vegetables, grasses, grains, and algae are loaded with nutrients. High-profile plant foods that classify as “super” include the following:


  • Spinach.
  • Collard greens.
  • Broccoli.
  • Wheatgrass.
  • Alfalfa grass.
  • Holy basil.
  • Asparagus.
  • Bran.
  • Kelp.
  • Spirulina.
  • Green cabbage.
  • Barley grass.


These are just to name a few. Instead of consuming these foods raw or as part of a meal, greens powders allow you to get a concentrated dose of nutrients in the form of blended shakes and soups–or sprinkled on a bowl of yogurt and granola. A basic option is mixing the powder with water only, though the taste might be quite bitter.

The green superfood powder often contains a wide array of plant-based items that manufacturers dehydrate then freeze-dry for safe preservation. They’re vegan-friendly, like vegan protein bars, usually free from GMOs and made from high-quality organic components.

Super Green Powders Ingredients

The standard ingredients in these powders per serving are as follows:

Leafy Green Veggies


Some of the most common greens in green superfood powders are spinach, kale, parsley, and collards. These dark, leafy greens are low in calories and carbohydrates, but high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They’re shown to promote gut health and support immunity [1].


Another popular ingredient is fiber, and inulin is one of the most common. Inulin acts as a prebiotic that feeds the supplement’s probiotics and the good bacteria that already exists inside your gut [2]. Manufacturers add inulin powder into the super green mix, but inulin is also found in certain vegetables like asparagus.

You’ll also find other fibrous ingredients in these powders like rice, brain, and apples. In general, fiber helps with satiation and digestion.

Seaweed and Other Sea Vegetables

The sea vegetables most commonly used in super greens powder products include seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, dulse, and kelp. Seaweed is rich in natural iodine, a mineral supporting a healthy thyroid [3].

Spirulina is considered a superfood because it contains a powerful plant-based protein called phycocyanin and several antioxidants. This may benefit you as you age, as antioxidants help fight off free radicals that may lead to illness.

Antioxidant Blend


Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants are common inclusions within many green powder supplements. This is due to the vitamin C, vitamin K and other minerals naturally occurring in veggies such as broccoli and spinach.

Antioxidants help fight the oxidation process within your body, possibly decreasing your chances of developing heart disease and other cancers [4].

Herbal Extracts


Holy basil, astragalus, echinacea, and milk thistle are examples of herbal extracts found in dietary supplements like superfood powders. The benefits of these herbal remedies will differ from ingredient to ingredient.

If you currently take any medication for a previous condition, it’s important to present your superfood powder to your doctor before taking it. They’ll need to check that the remedies don’t counteract your prescription in any way.



You’ve probably heard about people taking raw “shots” of things like wheatgrass or oat grass. These strong-tasting grasses are a trend in the health world because they’re nutrient-dense.

Included in these grasses are things such as:

  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Active enzymes.
  • Vitamins A, K, C, B, E.
  • Potassium.
  • Sulfur.
  • Amino acids.
  • Chlorophyll.
  • Calcium.



The veggies found in a greens powder promote good gut health and balance the healthy bacteria present in the stomach. To further support this, manufacturers include additional probiotics in many green powders [5].

These include:


  • Lactobacillus (L.) rhamnosus.
  • L. acidophilus.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis.

Vitamins and Minerals


With every brand, the vitamin and mineral content will differ depending on the ingredients used. On average, 10 grams of a good greens powder will contain the following percentages of the RDA (recommended daily allowance):


  • Vitamin A (as beta-carotene): 80 percent
  • Vitamin C: 80 percent
  • Vitamin K: 60 percent
  • Calcium: 5 percent
  • Iron: 20 percent
  • Iodine: 100 percent
  • Potassium: 5 percent

Super greens contain a good balance of vital nutrients.

Natural Sweeteners and Flavorings


Greens powder products don’t come with a naturally pleasant taste. Quite often, they’re bitter, earthy, and off-putting. Many manufacturers add things like stevia leaf extract, coconut sugar, and monk fruit extract to help offset the less-than-desirable flavor of these powders.


Greens Powder Benefits


Let’s delve into some of the benefits of these supplements.


  1. Protect Against Disease


Dark green, leafy vegetables, and other superfoods boast a wide variety of nutrients, as you can see, from antioxidants to carotenoids and various vitamins, among many other components.

Antioxidants, for example, are linked to improving cellular health, which means they can benefit your wellness at large. This also pertains to heart maintenance, where these ingredients might help reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, they may help you avoid certain cancers, too, as they can help fight off carcinogens, or poisonous matters found in the body [6].

Aside from this, you’ll find things like potassium and calcium, known for helping maintain blood pressure levels. There are also vitamins in these green powders that feature anti-inflammatory properties, which is useful for a range of issues.


  1. Enhance Energy Levels


A nutritionist may encourage the purchase of a green superfood supplement if you’re suffering from fatigue. Many powders contain compounds that help boost energy levels and alertness, like green tea extract. This naturally occurring caffeine might support weight loss, too.

The proteins and carbohydrates included as ingredients in green powder products may help sustain balanced blood sugar levels and energy throughout the day.

  1. Supports Detoxification


Greens are alkaline-forming foods, so they can help flush out excess acid in the body and leave you with a well-balanced system. This benefit applies to nearly every green ingredient that you’ll find in a greens powder.


  1. Address Nutrition Gaps


Do you struggle with getting the recommended five servings per day of fresh fruits and vegetables? If so, your body might be lacking in important vitamins and minerals. Green powders are an easy way to help address this gap. One scoop of a greens powder can contain up to 40 different superfoods to help you meet your needs.


  1. Convenient To Take


One of the most obvious and biggest benefits of supplementing your daily diet with a greens powder is that it takes minimal effort. This makes meeting your nutritional targets an easier task when you can do so on the go.


Pressured for time? Throw one scoop of a greens powder in some water and give it a big gulp. Very little work is needed, and when you do have some extra time, a smoothie beverage or bowl doesn’t require too much effort either.


Are Super Greens Worth It? The Verdict


Undoubtedly, green superfood powders are healthy. Based on our research so far, it’s clear that these greens contain a hefty amount of nutrients, minerals, and more.


However, do keep in mind that while these powder greens help increase your nutrient intake, you should only use them for supplementation. They’re not meant as a complete replacement for your fruit and vegetable intake on the regular.


Some of the product powder items in greens powder, like added fiber, while beneficial, isn’t equal to a whole food’s fiber you’d find in the real deal. Furthermore, there’s some concern that the ingredients might lose some of their nutritional value when dehydrated, but that loss is most likely minimal.


Still, there’s plenty of evidence that, overall, greens powder is labeled “super” with accuracy. They have a lot to offer.


Frequently Asked Questions


You might have further questions about super greens per serving, and reasonably so. We gathered up some of the most common inquiries from people on the web.


Are Super Greens Safe?

One could assume that super greens powder is safe; it’s a healthy food powder, after all.

However, you must ensure nothing in the supplement will affect any pre-existing condition or specific medications you might be taking. Check with your nutritionist or doctor before trying a new supplement to be safe.

Even if this point doesn’t apply to you, it won’t hurt to purchase superfoods and powders from a trusted source. Look for non-GMO and organic greens. Other things to check include:

  • Verified products tested for contamination.
  • Green powders certified by third-party laboratories, like NSF International.

Beyond this, you want to always follow the manufacturer’s descriptions on the packaging regarding serving size and other instructions. Taking more isn’t necessarily better. In fact, it could lead to an upset stomach and wasteful action, given the body can only absorb so many nutrients at once.

Nested Naturals Super Greens

When exploring safe greens powder options, one of the best greens powders blend without chemicals is from Nested Naturals. This superfood product is a vegan protein, contains non-GMO, organic ingredients, and gluten-free for those with allergies. All Nested Naturals super greens products are third-party tested for peace of mind.

Are Super Greens Legal?

Superfood green supplements are legal in the United States, keeping in mind that the supplement industry is still in a grey area with regulations.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or any state or other federal agency, tests greens powders regularly. This indicates that not all of them are FDA-approved or certified.

While these greens products or a greens protein powder might be legal, there’s a chance that a product could be contaminated or contain certain metals, for example.

How Do I Take Super Greens?

You can use your supplement greens powders the way you wish; there are no rules. Blending it into water is one of the most common ways to consume the supplement powder or add it to a fruit juice or other liquid.

Many blend a protein powder or organic greens scoop into breakfast smoothies, for example, to get a good morning boost. Other methods include sprinkling the powder on a salad or adding it to a soup. All of this depends on the taste of the powder, of course, and your preference.

Check out the manufacturer’s product videos and customer review page for other powder blend ideas, like homemade protein shakes. They might also have an additional shopping feature or two on their website that interest you.

Who Shouldn’t Take Super Greens?

For most individuals, non-gmo greens powders and superfood powders are safe to consume. However, there are exceptions to the rule.

Those who shouldn’t consume greens powder include:

  • Children (digestive enzymes are too potent).
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Individuals on certain medications or antibiotics.

If you fall under any of the categories or are looking to offer your kiddos a hearty powder-infused breakfast, check with your doctor first to discuss your product and powder options. Product side effects from the green superfoods or the best green powders could be negative otherwise.


Greens Superfood Powder in Conclusion


The wish lists for the best greens plant-based powders contain ingredients like spirulina powder, barley grass, other greens, and fruits full of nutrients per serving. Use them to make vegan protein shakes and more.


People blend greens powders into various food items for supplementation purposes. It can make for a perfect food powder product on the go, that’s nutritionally sound, offering energy, among other benefits.

Make sure to clear any greens powder product with nutritionists if you’re concerned. Use your email address to check the manufacturer page for user experience. If you order greens powders online, it won’t take much more than your payment form and delivery address.

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1. Brouwer-Brolsma, Elske M, et al. “Food Intake Biomarkers for Green Leafy Vegetables, Bulb Vegetables, and Stem Vegetables: a Review.” Genes & Nutrition, BioMed Central, 9 Apr. 2020, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7144047/.

2. Carlson, Justin L, et al. “Health Effects and Sources of Prebiotic Dietary Fiber.” Current Developments in Nutrition, Oxford University Press, 29 Jan. 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6041804/.

3. Bouga, Maria, and Emilie Combet. “Emergence of Seaweed and Seaweed-Containing Foods in the UK: Focus on Labeling, Iodine Content, Toxicity and Nutrition.” Foods (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 15 June 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5302319/.

4. Kurutas, Ergul Belge. “The Importance of Antioxidants Which Play the Role in Cellular Response against Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress: Current State.” Nutrition Journal, BioMed Central, 25 July 2016, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4960740/

5. Publishing, Harvard Health. “Health Benefits of Taking Probiotics.” Harvard Health, www.health.harvard.edu/vitamins-and-supplements/health-benefits-of-taking-probiotics

6. “Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention.” National Cancer Institute, www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/diet/cruciferous-vegetables-fact-sheet.