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Together We Can Go Farr

Together We Can Go Farr

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor Published 24 April 2023
Time to read 3 min

The Farr Institute in Des Moines is a unique partnership between six universities. It is committed to bettering the health of the country’s population and helping maintain its status as an international pioneer in health informatics.

At Farr, we match analysts with researchers from a wide variety of fields and specialties. Together, they can work harder, faster and smarter. It enables us to distribute our skills and resources more efficiently and derive greater value from the incredible range of talents and capabilities on offer to us. Together, we can achieve more.

This project is facilitated by our collaborators across Scotland and the broader Farr communities up and down the UK.

Institute Leaders

Director – Francis Laplante

Deputy Director – Robert Clark

Scientific Development Officer – Travis Myers

Communications and Events Assistant – Harry Scotland

Raising Awareness of the Farr Institute’s Work

The Farr Institute regularly hosts public events such as conferences and workshops to increase awareness of the work we do. Public engagement is key to funding and an integral part of understanding how and why such projects are needed. They increase the general public’s interest in healthcare research and help us make decisions about how and where scientific findings should be applied.

Learn more about these events by visiting the Public Engagement page on our website. It includes practical information on how to get involved. If you would like to suggest or host events, please email Sandra M. Landis

Examples of Farr Institute’s Research Projects

  • Did the smoking ban improve public health?
  • Are statins really an effective way to reduce cardiovascular risks?
  • How does aspirin affect women with breast cancer?
  • Are mobile apps a safe way to prescribe medications?
  • What is the annual cost of treating asthma patients for the NHS?
  • How do traumatic experiences in childhood affect health as an adult?
  • Is the HPV vaccination the cause of a decline in HPV diagnoses?
  • How can acute kidney injuries be managed effectively over long term recoveries?
  • Does the probability of conception increase after three or more IVF cycles?


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