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11 Benefits from using HGH Supplements | Farr Institute

11 Benefits from using HGH Supplements | Farr Institute

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor Published 18 June 2019
Time to read 10 min

The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is incredibly popular, especially in the sports world. However, HGH advantages to the body and mind are applicable in many other areas thanks to the scientific studies[1] that prove its efficacy.

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The research on HGH[2] began more than a century ago. But it wasn’t until the 1950s when Growth Hormone Therapy was availed to critically HGH-deficient children. Fast forward to 1985, the first synthetic HGH was introduced and approved by the FDA for very few particular uses.

But what exactly is the human growth hormone and what are its benefits? Let’s find out!

11 Science-backed Benefits of HGH

You can go to HGH therapy or boost the hormone naturally. Either way, here are the main benefits you’re going to reap:

  • 1. Advanced loss of body fat

HGH stimulates lipolysis[11], a process for burning lipids that constitute fats, oils, and waxes. This promotes weight loss.

Low HGH commonly leads to obesity. This may occur in mild proportions for some people who appear lean but have massive fat deposits around their abdomen. By increasing their hormone levels, they can burn the unnecessary fat.

Furthermore, HGH triggers the release of the Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1)[12]. IGF-1 improves cell growth by signaling cells to deplete glucose instead of turning it into fats. This leads to a reduction in body fat.

  • 2. Enhanced muscle growth

HGH promotes the creation of one of the main building blocks of the human body: collagen[13]. It’s the most abundant protein in the whole body so it also plays a major role in the aging of interconnective tissues and muscles.

As you grow older, the growth hormone and collagen diminish. However, if you boost your body HGH content, collagen production will increase hence leading to increased muscle mass while strengthening tendons.

A muscle growth by HGH[14] study on males aged over 50 years confirmed its potency since they showed a heightened muscle strength in the lower body part. While the muscles become more fragile with passing years, HGH can save the day.

  • 3. Increased exercise capacity

The peak physical exertion you can take is your exercise capacity. So if you can’t take a light jog around the block, you might want to change that. And HGH can help.

The growth hormone increases exercise capacity by boosting your cell metabolism. That’s why you may see a bodybuilder taking HGH progressing the intensity of their workouts without the strain they had before using.

  • 4. Improved fracture healing

Fracture healing comprises a variety of growth factors, hormones, and cytokines such that the exact systemic mechanism is unclear to medical professionals.

However, after a study of the healing effects of HGH[15], scientists discovered that this hormone accelerated bone regeneration that subsequently promoted fracture healing.

The promotion of cell regeneration through collagen development along with the production of IGF-1 are some of the ways HGH promotes fracture healing.

Dr. Christopher Mendias, an Associate Scientist in the Arthritis and Tissue Degeneration Program was quoted by Medicine at Michigan[16] saying, “Anabolic steroids will cause more tendon ruptures and connective tissue injuries because as the muscle gets bigger, it generates more force and the tendon doesn’t have time to adjust. Growth hormone naturally promotes connective tissue growth…”

Although the circumstances of fracture healing by the human growth hormone aren’t completely clear, it’s a promising option. Moreover, some people are reporting quicker recoveries from injuries while taking the growth hormone.

  • 5. Tougher bones

Bone health is important for protecting other internal body organs and also reducing the likelihood of fractures. Except as you grow older, the bones lose their density as collagen and other tissue maintenance factors diminish.

However, HGH can strengthen your bones even as you age.

After a long follow up study[17] on postmenopausal women who had osteoporosis (a condition where bones increase porosity making them vulnerable to fractures), it was reported that the growth hormone helps maintain bone health.

Their bone mass increased and not just for the short term. The beneficial effects of the hormone were registered long after the treatment stopped.

  • 6. Improved cognitive capabilities and moods

Researchers from the University of Washington involved healthy and mildly cognitively-impaired individuals in a study to unveil the relationship between the brain and HGH[18].

They later revealed that the growth hormone improves cognitive abilities like attention and memory. To elucidate that fact, more researchers performed clinical trials and found out the same results of improved cognitive function[19].

Positive mood changes are also one of the HGH advantages.

The deficiency of the human growth hormone has been related to mood swings where most of the patients underwent problems that led to the damage of the pituitary gland. That’s why the growth hormone can help alleviate biological depression.

  • 7. Replacing sleep-related HGH

The growth hormone is released a few moments into sleep and increases as you spend more time sleeping. Its peak production rate is during deep sleep.

Unfortunately, some people are sleep deprived due to conditions like insomnia or the nature of their lifestyles like travel and night shifts. This reduces the content of HGH and subsequently slows down their growth rate.

In circumstances where the sleep-wake cycle can’t be optimized, HGH can help. Moreover, some studies show that one of its benefits is improving sleep quality[20].

  • 8. Restoration of erectile function

Recent studies[21] suggest that HGH deficiency leads to erectile dysfunction. This is observed in aging as well as young males who have a deficiency.

You can boost sexual health through the growth hormone. This can be naturally through exposure to tactile and visual stimuli like they did in this extensive study[22] or replacement of a deficient growth hormone.

Some doctors are already treating erectile dysfunction[23] with Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy (GHRT).

  • 9. Decreased cardiovascular diseases risk

Cardiovascular diseases are now very popular, a consequence of poor diet and lack of physical activity. These diseases affect the heart and blood vessels, building up fat on arterial walls.

So, it’s obvious that one can reduce their risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases through the burning of lipids by increasing metabolism. And that’s where one of the hormone’s benefits, which is to burn fat, comes in.

If your HGH levels are low, increasing them naturally or through synthetic means would help reduce your cardiovascular disease risk.

  • 10. Stronger immune system

The growth hormone also plays a vital role in the development of the immune system. Researchers[24] claim that it likely triggers the thymus gland which produces crucial immunity cells known as the T-cells[25].

Some studies with HIV patients revealed that the growth hormone can increase immunity. The Journal of Clinical Investigation[26] then made an article headlined, “Growth hormone enhances thymic function in HIV-1–infected adults”.

  • 11. Slower aging rates

You remember the talk about collagen production promoted by the growth hormone earlier, right? Well, the same collagen promotes elasticity of the skin and prevents it from sagging.

Increasing the growth hormone won’t halt your aging process but chances are, it might slow down its rate. This not only applies to your skin but also your hair.

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Breaking down the Human Growth Hormone

HGH, also known as somatotropin, is produced by the pituitary gland and is one of the main hormones for growth[3], metabolism, and healing. For these reasons, the human growth hormone makes it to the top sensational topics among health and fitness enthusiasts.

Yet it’s also highly misunderstood. However, we address common HGH misconceptions using the following questions.

Why is HGH illegal?

HGH is illegal when not prescribed by a doctor or when prescribed by an unlicensed doctor. And of course, it can’t be legally prescribed by a doctor unless there’s a medical need such as severe human growth hormone deficiency.

These regulations exist to ensure responsible usage of HGH.

Think about it; if HGH was legal, anyone with a desire to boost their athletic performance would take it. This would lead to HGH abuse[4] which is already happening among some weightlifters.

Dealers who don’t care about their client’s wellbeing will sell them as much as they can afford. This could lead to serious health issues and even death.

Speaking of fatality —

Is HGH harmful?

Severe growth hormone deficiency or excess content in your body is harmful to your health. That’s why a doctor can prescribe regulated amounts of HGH when medically necessary.

So, if you use HGH for cosmetic and other non-critical reasons, it’ll likely lead to excessive intakes. Even worse, you may get dangerous content in the particular HGH you acquire since the illegal supply of the hormone doesn’t have to adhere to chemical content regulations.

According to Dr. Diane Elson, an endocrinologist from the University of Wisconsin[5], excessive usage of HGH can lead to:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome[6]
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Colon polyps[7]
  • Swelling of soft tissue
  • Enlargement of vital organs like the heart and liver

How long does HGH take to work?

It depends. Some people report[8] feeling different and seeing minor changes within a few weeks of HGH usage. However, for others, it can take three to even six months to see any difference.

Within the first three months of using human growth hormone, you’ll likely start feeling different. For instance, you may start feeling more flexible and energetic than before.

After six months of consistent usage, you can start noticing visible changes like loss of belly fat, and the ability to exercise for longer periods than before among other results.

Is HGH a steroid?

You might think that this hormone is a steroid especially because it’s banned by the FDA. But that’s not entirely true. HGH isn’t a steroid.

To understand why HGH isn’t a steroid, you need to know what steroids are in the first place. Steroids are man-made drugs meant to act as some naturally produced hormones in human bodies.

The above definition resembles that of the human growth hormone but hold on for a second as the explanation breaks down further. HGH is a peptide hormone[9], not a steroid hormone. It stays in the blood for a shorter time than a steroid.

And even though it holds anabolic properties like anabolic steroids[10], it doesn’t have the extreme side effects that the latter have. It’s safer and more all-rounded in function than steroids.

Final Word on HGH Benefits

As researchers further study HGH, they keep finding more evidence of its benefits. Besides, more and more users keep revealing how the hormone is benefiting them, making its efficacy more undeniable each day.

SeroVital[27] for instance is one of the most reliable products according to customers. As well as HGH-X2, a robust, all-inclusive HGH supplement .

But remember to seek medical advice in case you’re considering HGH treatment. You don’t want to seek its benefits but experience the side effects of unregulated doses. It’s not worth your money, it’s not worth your health.

You might also find helpful our other articles on this topic. Learn how to increase hgh naturally in your body or what are the best legal hgh supplements you can find on the market.

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1. https://www.physio-pedia.com/The_influence_of_human_growth_hormone_(HGH)_on_physiologic_processes_and_exercise

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3183530/

3. https://www.britannica.com/science/human-development/Hormones-and-growth#:~:text=Hormones%20and%20growth,%2Dgland%2Dstimulating)%20hormones.

4. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110120111033.htm

5. https://www.uwhealth.org/news/hgh-more-dangerous-health-gamble-than-fountain-of-youth/11939

6. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases–conditions/carpal-tunnel-syndrome/#:~:text=Carpal%20tunnel%20syndrome%20is%20a,it%20travels%20through%20the%20wrist.

7. https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/they-found-colon-polyps-now-what

8. https://www.livestrong.com/article/25107-long-hgh-work/

9. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/types-of-hormones/#:~:text=Steroid%20hormones%20are%20insoluble%20in,life%20of%20approximately%20one%20minute.

10. https://www.sportsci.org/encyc/anabster/anabster.html#:~:text=The%20anabolic%20effects%20of%20androgens,(sex%2Dlinked)%20properties.

11. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/lipolysis

12. https://labtestsonline.org/tests/insulin-growth-factor-1-igf-1#:~:text=Insulin%2Dlike%20growth%20factor%2D1%20(IGF%2D1),in%20response%20to%20GH%20stimulation.

13. https://www.livescience.com/collagen.html

14. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/2013/942030/

15. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S8756328202007986

16. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S8756328202007986

17. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150827141905.htm#:~:text=For%20years%20after%20it%20was%20administered%2C%20growth%20hormone%20continued%20to,Journal%20of%20Clinical%20Endocrinology%20%26%20Metabolism.

18. https://journals.lww.com/neurotodayonline/fulltext/2012/09200/Can_a_Growth_Hormone_Stimulating_Drug_Improve.6.aspx#:~:text=A%20once%2Da%2Dday%20injection,by%20University%20of%20Washington%20researchers.

19. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120806161820.htm

20. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/95/5/2195/2596863

21. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222928841_Possible_role_of_human_growth_hormone_in_penile_erection

22. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11927337/


Erectile Dysfunction ED Treatment with HGH and Testosterone

24. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00071240

25. https://teachmephysiology.com/immune-system/cells-immune-system/t-cells/v

26. https://www.jci.org/articles/view/32830
