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Keeps Review: Does This Hair Loss Treatment Work?

Keeps Review: Does This Hair Loss Treatment Work?

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor Jonathan Hoarau Published 22 May 2023
Time to read 9 min

It’s not just your poor self-effacing uncle who jokes about baldness anymore. Younger people are going bald. In fact, two out of three men will experience minor to severe cases of male pattern baldness before the age of 35.
It makes you wonder if there’s any hope for baldness yet. What has happened in the last twenty or so years? Surprisingly a lot of research has been done and many new products are coming out with promises to restore a full and healthy head of hair.
In this article, we’re going to review one product in particular, Keeps.com hair supplies and discuss the pros and cons of their program.

What We Liked

  • Keeps.com is one of the most affordable options for getting your hair back.
  • The company believes in safety first and puts you in touch with a doctor to make sure hair loss treatment is going to help you, not hurt you.
  • No waiting room, no face-to-face interview – all products come by mail and doctors are accessible by phone!

What We Didn’t Like

  • Only for men and male pattern baldness – women beware! (literally)
  • No video calls, although you can send a picture to illustrate your hair loss patterns
  • The company doesn’t appear to work with insurance companies

Bottom Line

There’s more to like about Keeps than not. It’s a low-priced product with some free supplies and a free consultation to help you get started.

Visit the Official Keeps Website

3 Things to Consider Before Buying

Remember that considering the efficacy of the product is just one of three things to consider. Besides the benefits that Keeps hair growth products offers, consider also the affordability and availability.
According to the Keeps website, the product is promised to be effective, and low-cost, with three different plans for the degree of a person’s hair loss. For three months, you can pay between $20 and $70 a month depending on what potent solution is right for you.
Keeps is available through their website, as well as working through a physician. The availability and affordability seem straight forward. But how did the company fare in terms of getting results?

A Complete Review of Keeps Hair Loss Treatment

The best way to explain whether Keeps works or not is to focus on the science. Keeps.com makes its proprietary formula clear: Finasteride & Minoxidil.
Minoxidil, also called Rogaine, is a topical drug for the regrowth of hair. The cream goes on top of a person’s head and crown. When applied, the Minoxidil helps to promote thicker, longer, and more plentiful hair. As old strands are replaced with new hair follicles, some shedding occurs, but new hairs appear in as little as three months.
Finasteride, or Propecia, is an ingestible prescription drug used to stop future hair loss, such as the beginning of a receding hairline, and other spots on the head. Finasteride works by inhibiting the production of the DHT hormone, which is known to cause male pattern baldness.
As the Keeps website explains, the FDA has approved both drugs for hair growth and retention.

How to Use Keeps for Hair Loss

Because both primary ingredients are prescription pills, you need to consult with a licensed physician.
Hair loss is a medical issue and your medical history must be considered before starting treatment. The program can also be customized for your situation, including age, sex, and health, and any existing medical problems.

After a consultation, it’s time to choose the right plan for you, based on three levels of hair loss severity:

  • Overall Thinning Hair
  • Receding Hairlines
  • Thinning at the Crown

You receive your three-month supply treatment in the mail and receive a new shipment every three months.
Within two months, you will hear from Keeps, which will follow through with all their clients through a secure patient portal. Staff members make sure the treatment for hair loss is responding. Now is the time to report your progress and ask any additional questions about ongoing hair loss treatments.

While some customized treatment plans may differ, for the most part, Finasteride is a digestible pill that’s taken every day at any time, no meal required.
Minoxidil is a liquid solution that can only be applied to the scalp. Minoxidil may be prescribed twice a day, typically in a 1ml “drop” form or in a special “foam” that can be applied with your hands.
Before applying Minoxidil, dry your hair and scalp. Avoid getting your hair wet after applying for about four hours. Depending on your level of hair loss, you may be prescribed one or the other product, or both.
The company also lists an optional shampoo called Ketoconazole, which is a prescription shampoo for dandruff and flaking. While the shampoo does not offer a cure for loss of hair, it can help with itchiness and discomfort. For the best results, apply the shampoo on your scalp for about five minutes before rinsing.

What Are the Benefits of Keeps?

While there is no true “hair loss cure” for male pattern baldness, there are proven ways to reduce symptoms and improve your hair quality.
Keeps offers a convenient solution for shy clients, including an online consultation and home delivery, which avoids the waiting room experience completely. The company is targeting men, mentioning male pattern baldness specifically, otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia.
The quality of service is also top-notch, as all doctors recommended by Keeps are board-certified and legally registered for safe practice. You speak to an actual doctor, not just a staff member. You also follow up with a doctor before ordering a refill.

Since these products are powerful and affect hormones, it is important to keep treatment safe and medically supervised, if not in person, then online.
For the time being, Keeps is also offering a limited time offer “free consultation” with a doctor as well as one month of medication free.

The cost is affordable and in fact, almost 50 percent the price of what a traditional pharmacy would charge. The service is efficient, fast, and very organized. After sign up, you only have to wait about a week for the materials to arrive. Within three months, you will start to see results.
As to whether Finasteride and Minoxidil work, it largely depends on each person’s unique reaction to treatment. For example, one reviewer from GQ found that applying Finasteride helped make the top of his head seem thicker and denser in volume, as high as 50 percent. He noticed results within four months.
According to another report, quoting Dr. Jaime Davis, Board Certified Dermatologist, about 80 percent of men reported positive results with Finasteride, and 60 percent of men reported success with Minoxidil.

Does Keeps Have Side Effects?

Keeps does mention the risk of side effects when taking Finasteride and Minoxidil. These effects are typically minor or unnoticeable, though in some rare cases, there may be more upsetting symptoms.
The main risk is hormonal changes caused by handling or ingesting the medication. For women, this could be very concerning, and women are advised not to handle broken tablets or topical cream by hand, especially if they are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
A small percentage of men reported sexual side effects when using the medication, but the study was 3.8 percent of respondents taking the medication, compared to 2.1 percent who said the same thing about placebo drugs.
Some men have noticed changes caused by hormonal influences, such as lessened sex drive, erectile dysfunction, or semen volume.
Concerning symptoms may include facial swelling, skin rash, difficulty breathing, swelling of the breasts, pain in the testicles, or problems with urination. More severe problems might involve liver, kidney, or prostate problems in very rare cases.
If you are concerned about side effects, all medication effects can be reversed within 12 months of quitting treatment.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost for Keeps formula is arranged by the degree of hair loss. The least expensive option is $20 for 3 months, and then $30 for every next 3 months. (With a temporary free first-month deal going on as of September 2020) For this price, you get a 3-month solution of Minoxidil 5%, or as a foam for $5 more.

This is the best option for thinning at the crown and for growing thicker and longer hair.
The next option is a three month supply of Finasteride for $50, and $75 for every three months after. You can get 90 daily tablets, which is ideal for receding hairlines and hair loss around the top and crown.

Finally, you can get both Finasteride and Minoxidil solutions for $70 for three months and then $105 every three months after. This is both a daily tablet and topical solution and is ideal for overall thinning hair.
Remember you can also contact the company and send a picture of your hair and head for more personalized advice.
Visit the Official Keeps Website

FAQs About Keeps Hair Loss Treatment

Where to buy Keeps?

You can only buy Keeps products through the Keeps website. In accordance with medical protocol, Keeps recommends working through one of their listed physicians who can provide you with a free consultation and safe advice for dosage. Keeps products are hormone-related drugs and must be followed as directed.
However, the drugs Finasteride and Minoxidil (sometimes called Rogaine and Propecia) might be sold elsewhere, even though they are supposed to be by prescription only. Keeps has its own treatment program and dosage instructions created by doctors with safety and efficiency in mind.
Part of Keeps’ appeal is that they take an interest in you and help customize the experience for your comfort. You may also be able to get a prescription from your own doctor, even if you don’t work through the Keeps network.

Does Keeps really work for hair loss?

Keeps is not guaranteed to work in every client’s case, but they do list many reviews of satisfied customers and have been reviewed favorably in magazines like Esquire and The Wall Street Journal.
Bear in mind that hair loss is not always “natural” and may be related to other serious medical issues not related to androgenetic alopecia. This is why it’s important to consult with a doctor before seeking to cure hair loss, so you can rule out any other conditions or potential interactions with existing medications.

This user suggests the Minoxidil and Finasteride work because of specific processes, but that they do come with a slight risk.

This user suggests that you can always talk to your local doctor/dermatologist to see if you can get a price-beat option.

Alternative Hair Loss Treatment Products to Keeps

Remember that Rogaine and Propecia are brand names of the medical names of Finasteride and Minoxidil respectively. Other companies might sell these products too, or use the drug as part of their own proprietary formula.
To review competing products for Keeps, check out these companies:


This company sells other products that promote hair regrowth or retention, such as edible gummies and shampoo.


Offers faster shipping and some OTC products, but similar RX products featuring the same drugs


Some companies sell the product by brand name instead of the medical name, such as the Rogaine store which also has products for women.

Final Word on Keeps Hair Loss Treatment

Remember that hair loss is not just a midlife crisis problem. Many younger people do experience hair loss and it can be alarming to see the change occurring slowly but surely. The good news is that there are treatment options to protect the hair you have and to regrow parts of your hair, and improve the thickness and density along the way.
Take back your confidence and your feelings of youth as you take an active approach to keep a full head of hair.
Keeps.com offers:

  • Affordable prices for three-month supplies of proven medical drugs
  • Safe doctor consultations
  • Easy availability online – no physical office visit necessary
  • And effective results!

Why not learn more about what Keeps might be able to do for you?

Check Keeps Prices

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