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Low Libido in Men: What You Need to Know and How to Fix It

Low Libido in Men: What You Need to Know and How to Fix It

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor Jonathan Hoarau Published 14 March 2024
Time to read 8 min

You want more sex, but you don’t feel like it? Many men have low libido, or less sexual desire, for various reasons. It can affect your life, relationships, and self-esteem.

It’s not your fault, and you can fix it.

In this article, we’ll explain why your libido is low, how to spot the signs, and how to boost it. We’ll give you a complete guide to low libido in men, so you can enjoy sex again.

Understanding Low Libido in Men

Low libido in men can be described as a reduced interest in sexual activity. It’s a common issue, particularly as men age. However, it can occur at any age due to a variety of factors.

Low libido in men can also be a short-term problem, perhaps linked to stress or a temporary health issue, or it could be a long-term problem that lasts for many months or even years.

The key point to understand about low libido is that it’s a personal issue.

What might be considered a low libido for one man might not be for another. It’s about whether a man feels satisfied with his level of sexual desire and whether it’s causing him stress or problems in his relationships.

Common Symptoms of Low Libido in Men

The primary symptom of low libido in men is a reduced interest in sexual activity.

A man with low libido may find that he doesn’t think about sex as often as he used to, or he may not feel the same level of desire when he does think about it. This can be disconcerting and distressing for many men, particularly if they cannot identify a reason for their feelings.

Other symptoms that might accompany low libido in men include problems with erectile function, difficulty achieving orgasm, or a lack of sexual fantasies. Some men might also experience feelings of guilt or worry about their reduced sexual desire, which can exacerbate the problem. [1]

Causes of Low Libido in Men

There are many potential causes of low libido in men, ranging from physical health issues to psychological problems. Hormonal imbalances, particularly low testosterone, can result in low libido in men. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, can also impact libido.

Psychological causes can include stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. It’s also worth noting that certain medications, including some antidepressants, can cause low libido in men as a side effect. [2]

Hormonal Imbalance

Testosterone, a critical male hormone primarily produced in the testicles, is responsible for building muscles and bone mass, stimulating sperm production, and influencing sex drive.

Adult men are considered to have low free testosterone or low T when their levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). A significant decrease in testosterone levels can lead to low libido in men.

Medication Side Effects

Certain medications can lower testosterone levels, consequently causing low libido in men. Blood pressure medications like ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers may inhibit ejaculation and erections.

Other medications, such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer, hormones used to treat prostate cancer, corticosteroids, opioid pain relievers, certain antifungal medications, and some antidepressants can also lower testosterone levels.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

If you have Restless Legs Syndrome, you know how hard it is to keep your legs still, but did you know that this condition can also affect your sex life? Research shows that men with RLS are more likely to have erectile dysfunction (ED) than men without RLS.

ED means you can’t get or keep an erection, and it can make you lose interest in sex. This is called low libido in men, and it’s a common problem that can hurt your health and happiness. [3]

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders can also contribute to low libido in men. Non-obese men with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) often experience lower testosterone levels, leading to decreased sexual activity and libido. Furthermore, restricted sleep can result in up to 15% decrease in testosterone levels in young, healthy men, further impacting their sex drive. [4]

Stress and Mental Health Issues

Stress, depression, and anxiety can have a profound impact on a man’s sex drive. High stress levels can disrupt hormone levels and narrow the arteries, potentially causing ED.

A man’s self-esteem and body image perception can also influence his sexual desire. Low self-esteem can lead to anxiety about sexual performance, resulting in issues with ED and low libido in men. [5]

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, a diet filled with testosterone killing foods, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use can also contribute to low libido in men. Regular exercise may reduce the risk of chronic conditions associated with low libido like obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, excessive alcohol and drug use can decrease testosterone production, thereby reducing sexual desire.

Importance of Addressing Low Libido in Men

Addressing low libido in men is important for overall well being. Not only can low libido in men impact their self-esteem and relationships, but it can also be a symptom of underlying health issues that need to be addressed.

Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away and can actually make it worse. Seeking help and treatment can significantly improve a man’s quality of life and sexual satisfaction.

How to Diagnose Low Libido in Men

Diagnosing low libido in men involves a combination of physical examinations, medical history, and potentially, psychological evaluations. Doctors will often begin by asking about a man’s sexual history, lifestyle, and current symptoms.

A physical examination can also help identify any underlying health issues that might be causing low libido in men. In some cases, blood tests might be necessary to check for hormonal imbalances or other health issues.

Treatment Options for Low Libido in Men

There are several treatment options available for low libido in men. The best course of treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the problem.

  • For some, making lifestyle changes such as improving their diet, exercising more, reducing alcohol consumption, or finding ways to manage stress can significantly improve their libido.
  • For others, medical treatments such as hormone therapy or medication might be necessary. In some cases, counseling or psychotherapy might be recommended, particularly if the problem is linked to stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship issues.

Some men are reporting success with taking the best testosterone boosters like Testogen, Performer8, and VigRX Plus. However, it’s best you consult your doctor first before buying testosterone boosters for men or any supplements that claim to improve symptoms of low libido in men.

Medical Treatments for Low Libido in Men

If lifestyle changes aren’t enough to improve low libido in men, there are several medical treatment options available. Hormone therapy, specifically testosterone replacement therapy, can be effective for men with low testosterone levels.

Certain medications can also help improve libido. These can include phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors, which are used to treat erectile dysfunction, and certain types of antidepressants. However, some medications can also cause low libido in men as a side effect of ED meds. [6]

When to Consult a Doctor for Low Libido in Men

It’s important for men to consult a doctor if they’re experiencing low libido, particularly if it’s causing them distress or impacting their relationships. It’s also crucial to seek medical advice if low libido is accompanied by other symptoms such as erectile dysfunction or mood changes, as this could be a sign of a more serious underlying health issue.


Low libido in men is a lot more common than you think, and it can have different causes, both physical and psychological. To solve it, you need to know what’s causing it, what signs to look for, and what options you have.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you have low libido. You can find many treatments that can help you, and you can improve your sex drive and your quality of life. You don’t have to suffer alone – talk to a healthcare professional today.


  1. Anawait B, et al. (2018). Decreased libido.
  2. Rajiah K, et al.(2012). Psychological impotence: Psychological erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction causes, diagnostic methods and management options.
  3. Li Y, et al. (2013). Prospective study of restless legs syndrome and risk of erectile dysfunction. DOI:
  4. Burschtin O, et al. (2016). Testosterone Deficiency and sleep apnea. DOI:
  5. Bodenmann G, et al. (2006). Associations among everyday stress, critical life events, and sexual problems. DOI:
  6. Chung E. Sexuality in aging male: Review of pathophysiology and treatment strategies for various male sexual dysfunctions. Medical Sciences. 2019; doi:10.3390/medsci7100098.