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PhenQ Review: Is It Worth It? The Reveal

PhenQ Review: Is It Worth It? The Reveal

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor Published 05 April 2023
Time to read 14 min

PhenQ reviews are overwhelmingly positive, and the official website boasts similar testimonials from satisfied buyers praising the weight loss pill. Since weight loss supplements can whip up epic marketing campaigns, does PhenQ work, or is it all advertising?
As someone who used to believe I would stay overweight forever, I’ve tried a lot of weight loss supplements to no avail. My PhenQ review details my personal experience with this supplement.
I review the science behind PhenQ’s natural ingredients and share if it can truly help you lose weight. Discover what to anticipate if you buy PhenQ, from dosage to return on investment.

Go to the Official PhenQ Website

What Is PhenQ?

PhenQ is a combination weight loss pill that acts as an appetite suppressant, fat burner, and energy booster. One of PhenQ’s ingredients also combats water retention, which can make you look heavier than you are [1].
Persistent hunger pangs and cravings are a common foil to weight loss. The more trouble you have controlling your appetite, the less likely you are to lose weight [2].
Low energy levels can make it harder to get rid of body fat and promote weight gain, too [3]. It’s also more challenging to motivate yourself to get your body moving if you’re fatigued.
You take one PhenQ pill with your breakfast, and a second one with your afternoon meal.

What Does It Do?

The PhenQ formula contains natural ingredients to promote weight loss and potentially stop new body fat production. It elevates your energy levels to commit to physical exercise and keeps insidious, diet-sabotaging cravings at bay to prevent body fat from piling back on.
Since PhenQ targets fluid retention in the body, you’ll see noticeable results reasonably quickly.
However, how rapidly you shed actual fat will depend on two factors: how you eat and your activity levels.
You can’t expect PhenQ to work magic if you don’t address bad habits like poor diet, excess calorie consumption, and avoiding exercise [4].

Who Should Use PhenQ and Why?

Since PhenQ works to assist with weight loss through proven-effective natural ingredients, it can be a useful aid to anyone struggling to lose weight.
If uncontrollable cravings consistently push you to overeat and dragging energy levels make exercise a chore, PhenQ can give you a leg up on weight loss. Since PhenQ fights fluid retention in the body, you can get a glimpse of improvements to come if you persevere.
That doesn’t mean that PhenQ can burn body fat with zero effort on your behalf. The ingredients are efficient, but you’ll need to contribute toward your weight loss goals too: think of it as a team effort.
Begin by improving your eating habits and moving your body daily — even if you can only start by sitting less and walking more or avoiding soda [5]. In turn, PhenQ’s ingredients will cut hunger pangs from the equation and supply you with energy to ramp up your activity levels.
This weight loss supplement is also 100 percent vegan and vegetarian. Women on birth control can rest assured that the natural ingredients in PhenQ won’t mess with oral contraceptives.

Does PhenQ Have Side Effects?

Most people shouldn’t experience side effects while using PhenQ, as this supplement contains natural ingredients.
If you have an existing medical condition or take any medications, ask your doctor about PhenQ first, to be safe. As PhenQ contains caffeine, monitor yourself for adverse reactions if you’re particularly sensitive to this stimulant.

How Does PhenQ Work?

PhenQ works through a combination of powerful natural ingredients to encourage weight loss. Let’s talk about how these compounds can bring you closer to a trimmer body.

PhenQ Ingredients

This PhenQ review wouldn’t be complete without listing the natural ingredients in this weight loss supplement. Here’s what PhenQ contains:

  • α-Lacys Reset® (all rights reserved): This compound is a branded, patented antioxidant that’s a mixture of cysteine and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), two types of amino acid [6].
  • Capsimax Powder: This copyrighted compound contains concentrated capsicum (chili pepper) extract, vitamin B3, caffeine, and piperine. The latter is an extract found in black pepper.
  • Chromium Picolinate: Chromium picolinate is a derivative of a trace metallic element called chromium, which is essential for processing glucose [7].
  • L-Carnitine: This natural substance is a product of lysine, an essential amino acid that fuels biological processes in our bodies [8].
  • Caffeine: Caffeine is one of the world’s most widely-consumed stimulants, which acts on our central nervous system [9].
  • Nopal: Commonly known as prickly pear, nopal refers to several cacti species within the Opuntia genus [10].

α-Lacys Reset® (All Rights Reserved)

The natural ingredients in Lacys Reset are optimal ingredients in a weight loss supplement like PhenQ.
ALA plays a vital role in energy production in the body. This short-chain fatty acid has been proven to curb hunger and improve energy in animal trials [11][12]. Human tests also confirm these fat-melting properties.
Lacys Reset should dramatically cut down cravings, as ALA can encourage lower food intake overall [13]. One study revealed that L-cysteine dramatically decreased food intake in rats and mice [14]. These abilities make Lacys reset the perfect weapon to combat an irrepressible appetite.
Participants taking ALA for weight weeks benefited from weight loss and reduced waist size versus those taking placebos [15].
A review of multiple clinical trials demonstrated that ALA could significantly decrease weight and BMI [16]. Subjects in the unhealthily-overweight range benefited from a shrinking waistline.

Capsimax Powder

Capsimax powder is a potent fat burner that wields ingredients proven effective at promoting weight loss. We’ll discuss the caffeine in PhenQ later on — let’s look into piperine, vitamin B3, and capsicum.
Capsicum can regulate metabolic syndrome, a collection of symptoms that manifest as stubborn belly fat, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar [17]. It can control obesity, diabetes, and other conditions relating to these symptoms.
This pepper extract can also promote thermogenesis or increased body temperature [18]. Thermogenesis means you’re burning more calories, which translates to more pounds lost [19].
Piperine, a type of alkaloid that occurs naturally in black pepper, is similarly effective. Research shows that it could potentially increase fat and carbohydrate metabolism during exercise [20]. That means more efficient calorie-burning during your workouts.
It can also heighten how many calories you burn while you’re at rest [21]. That means PhenQ can help you trim down while possibly preventing weight gain.
Vitamin B3, or niacin, is one of the vital nutrients your body needs for various crucial processes [22]. Those include cell repair and turning nutrients you get from food into energy [23].
All together, these ingredients pack a punch when it comes to fat burning.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate influences your blood sugar, helping to mitigate frustrating cravings for sweet treats [24]. High blood sugar can spike cravings — and make sugary foods taste more pleasant.
This mineral can help regulate insulin resistance to minimize these unwanted effects [25]. High blood glucose is also usually linked to obesity and a greater risk of diabetes.
PhenQ can also help prevent heart trouble related to your weight, which is more common in overweight individuals. Chromium picolinate can reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular disease [26].


L-Carnitine plays a role in the oxidation of fatty acids and energy metabolism. An abundance of research proves that this compound works to decrease weight and BMI [27].
It can enhance overall physical performance, which is important if you’re new to fitness like I was. You could benefit from less fatigue, quicker muscle recovery, and increased muscle mass [28].
Think of L-Carnitine as a legal performance-enhancer. One study showed that bench and leg pressing strength went up considerably after nine weeks of supplementation. It can increase helpful antioxidants that contribute to overall wellness, too [29].
You might also find your low mood improves, and fatigue clears up. L-Carnitine successfully improved both of these issues in cancer patients [30].


PhenQ includes caffeine by virtue of the Capsimax powder. This famous stimulant isn’t just useful for enhancing energy in the mornings — it’s great for shedding fat too.
Caffeine can function as an appetite suppressant: taken before meals, it can help limit your food intake [31]. Taking PhenQ twice per day should do the trick to quell persistent hunger and keep you feeling full.
It also enhances thermogenesis to up your body temperature and gets you burning calories to shed fat [32]. Other benefits include improved endurance and performance while exercising to ease your transition into an active lifestyle.
Lastly, caffeine can help you maintain your goal weight as well as achieve it [33]. Since it improves satiety and promotes weight loss, you should avoid piling pounds back on, even if you slack off at the gym.


This cactus extract is a natural fat burner that works through several mechanisms. It’s rich in wellness-enhancing compounds like antioxidants, vitamins E and C, and amino acids [34].
Nopal is also high in fiber and binds particularly well to dietary fat. One study on healthy adults demonstrated those taking cactus fiber eliminated more dietary fat and lost more weight than those who didn’t [35].
Studies on animals confirm it has the potential to work against intestinal inflammation and obesity. Rats eating a diet rich in fats and sugars absorbed fewer toxins when taking nopal due to the gut-protective effects [36].
The bacteria in your gut can influence your weight — when your gut is inflamed, you’re more likely to have trouble dropping weight [37]. I noticed I had fewer digestive issues on PhenQ than I used to have, which was a pleasant surprise.

How Fast Can I Expect to Lose Fat: Kimberly’s Story

As part of this PhenQ review our own Kimberly Langdon took PhenQ twice daily for 3 months, below are here comments on her personal weight loss journey.
Despite reading PhenQ reviews praising the effects of this supplement, I was still doubtful.
I was an overweight-bordering-on-obese woman who tried it all to get rid of pesky body fat. Before I found PhenQ, I always had one bottle of weight loss supplements on me — but they didn’t do much to help.
I found my clothes were fitting better after less than a month on PhenQ. Water weight I had mistaken for fat melted away, which worked wonders for my self-esteem.
I was inspired to start re-examining my approach to nutrition and finding an exercise regime I enjoyed. I started feeling satisfied after my meals, and the neverending internal conflict between hunger, and I came to an abrupt end — PhenQ helped me win.
After one month, I lost 13lbs, some of which I assume was water weight, but still an impressive feat. Two months brought me another 9lbs of weight loss; plus, PhenQ supplied me the energy to rev up my physical activity levels.
I stopped feeling exhausted all the time, and the doom-and-gloom attitude I adopted whenever I went on a health kick evaporated. The hunger cravings I regularly indulged were gone.
At the three month mark, my weight loss totaled another 12lbs for a whopping 34 pounds. As a bonus, the unsightly PMS bloat I would experience vanished.
PhenQ’s ingredients provided the support I needed to get on track with weight loss and stay motivated. I finally managed to burn stubborn fat I had resigned myself to living with for the rest of my life.

How Should I Take PhenQ?

Let’s review how you can take this weight loss pill to get that lean, slim body you desire.

What Is the Daily Dosage?

You’ll take one pill at breakfast in the morning, and a second pill in the afternoon with lunch. Drink a glass of water with your supplement.
One bottle of PhenQ contains 60 pills, which is one full month’s supply.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

If you miss a dose of this supplement, you should avoid doubling up. Wait until lunch or the next morning to take your scheduled dose of PhenQ.
It isn’t recommended to take this weight loss supplement after lunch, since caffeine is one of the ingredients. Taking caffeine as early as six hours before you head to bed can disrupt sleep [38].
Remember that PhenQ regulates processes in the body that can influence your progress. If you skip doses, you might see a resurgence of flagging energy levels, hunger pangs, or both.

Can I Take More for Faster Results?

No, it would be best if you didn’t take more than the recommended dosage of PhenQ per day. The ingredients in this supplement are natural, but caffeine can be overstimulating in high doses [39].

When Should I Not Take PhenQ?

You shouldn’t be using PhenQ if you’re under 18, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Remember that weight gain — up to 40lbs —is natural for your body during pregnancy [40]. Cutting calories to lose weight during breastfeeding can interfere with your milk supply [41].
If you’re on medication, check with your clinician to approve PhenQ first. As PhenQ contains caffeine, you may want to limit your intake if you’re a java-junkie or a soda-addict.

How Long Should I Take It For?

There’s no time limit on how long you can take this weight loss supplement. Since the ingredients are natural and have no known side effects, there’s no danger.
You can keep using PhenQ until you achieve the body you want and stop, or you can take it indefinitely. PhenQ can block fat production in the body, so it’s suitable for maintenance.
If you stop PhenQ and find that you’re slipping backward and gaining fat, start retaking PhenQ.

Is PhenQ Worth It?

So, should you buy PhenQ if you’re struggling to lose weight?

My verdict is yes:
PhenQ gave me the push I needed to make sustainable life changes to prevail with weight loss and permanently keep the fat off.

PhenQ can help suppress your voracious appetite and keep your mood and energy levels stable as you kick your unhealthy habits. This supplement also supercharges visible weight loss results by reducing fluid retention in the body. The Capsimax powder has fat-blocking properties for extra advantage.
Bear in mind that PhenQ isn’t all you should rely on to lose weight. Getting your dream body necessitates changing your eating habits for the better and ideally starting to exercise. Consider PhenQ your motivational companion, and set realistic goals that you can keep up with.

Does PhenQ Have a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes, PhenQ has a 60-day money-back guarantee. As per the official website, if you buy PhenQ and you’re not satisfied, you can return any unopened bottles of PhenQ within 67 days for a full refund. The extra seven-day allowance is for shipping.
Make sure you only purchase this supplement from the official website, as you don’t want an ineffective knock-off.

Go to the Official PhenQ Website


Whether you’ve tried other weight loss supplements or various diet and exercise regimes, PhenQ can unlock your potential to lose weight. Of course, you should pair PhenQ with a balanced diet and increased physical activity levels for optimal results.
Since it elevates energy, PhenQ made transitioning into an active lifestyle less of a struggle for me. No longer having to fight cravings I couldn’t say no to keeping me feeling full and out of the snack-cabinet. Rapidly shedding water weight gave me the confidence I needed to continue.
PhenQ has a 60-day money-back guarantee if you want to try it with relatively little commitment.
Did you find my PhenQ review helpful, or do you have something to add about this weight loss supplement? Tell me about your thoughts on PhenQ in the comments.

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