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Testo Prime Review

Testo Prime Review

By Kire Stojkovski M.D
Editor Published 22 June 2023
Time to read 11 min

TestoPrime is one of the most popular testosterone boosters available, without prescription, amongst men over 40.
It claims to lift your mood, improve your body composition and boost all-day energy levels.
But how well does it work? I took it for 3 months to make sure I was able to give you a complete and honest review of TestoPrime.

Buying TestoPrime – How do you know if the seller is trustworthy?

Check Best Price for TestoPrime

The only place authorised to sell TestoPrime is their official website – TestoPrime.com.
Buying from the official website means you’re also eligible for the Lifetime Money Back Guarantee. This made me feel safer about purchasing, even though I didn’t end up needing my money back.
They accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express if you want to pay by credit or debit card. There’s also the option to pay with PayPal, GooglePay or ShopifyPay.
There was no payment available by ApplePay when I placed my order, but this might have changed by the time you read this review.
The site was easy to navigate, and I had the option of 3 different packages with multibuy discounts. After I had paid for the order, I wasn’t hit with any recurring charges and there were no taxes or duties to deal with when the package arrived.
You might find TestoPrime being sold on marketplaces like eBay or Amazon but take heed: these could be fakes. You also won’t be able to claim the Lifetime Money Back Guarantee if you purchase through a reseller.

How much is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime comes in tubs of 120 capsules, which will last you 1 month and is available in a 1, 3 and 6 month supply.
With the 3 month supply, you’ll only pay for 2 tubs, and with the 6 month supply, you’ll only pay for 3.
The multibuy savings are brilliant. It means you don’t have to sign up to a subscription to save big.
It’s worth noting that this is a supplement you’ll need to take daily, and consistently, for best results so it’s worth going for one of the bigger packages.
Even if you’re new to TestoPrime it’s a good idea since you’re covered by their guarantee. You’ll know by the end of the first month if it’s working for you or not, so if not you can just get your money back.

How Much is Shipping?

Shipping was completely free. There was no minimum spend to get free shipping, and it seems like they’ll ship to any country for free too.
My order arrived 4 days after I purchased which was pretty quick. I was able to track my order through the Shop App, which they gave me details on how to download via email.
If you want your order any faster though, you’re outta luck. There’s no option to pay for express shipping even if you want to.

What’s Actually In TestoPrime?

There are 12 different active ingredients in TestoPrime. They’re all from natural sources. Here’s what they do:

D-Aspartic Acid

TestoPrime contains 2000mg of this amino acid. It supports the production of luteinizing hormones. This hormone stimulates the Leydig cells in your testicles to start releasing testosterone into your bloodstream.[1] It’s the same hormonal process that deepens your voice and causes facial hair to grow when you hit puberty.

Panax Ginseng

This herb, used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine has been shown to improve sexual satisfaction. It has also been shown to improve sexual performance by giving men harder erections, helping them maintain their erections and can also increase your sperm count. [2]

KSM 66®

This is the gold-standard for Ashwagandha extracts. It has been clinically proven to reduce stress and decrease serum cortisol levels.[3] Consistently elevated levels of cortisol in your bloodstream will reduce your testosterone levels over time [4] so that’s something you definitely want to avoid.


In studies, Fenugreek has been shown to improve testosterone levels that have decreased due to ageing in otherwise healthy men. [5] Testosterone naturally starts to drop after your 30s and most men can really feel the decline by their 40s. It can also boost your metabolism and make it easier to lose those middle-age love handles.

Green Tea Extract

The extract used in TestoPrime comprises of 70% catechins. These are powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds which reduce oxidative stress on the body. They have also been shown, in animal studies, to boost luteinizing hormone production, and increase testosterone levels in blood plasma. [6]

Pomegranate Extract

Drinking pomegranate juice has been shown to boost testosterone levels found in saliva by 24% on average, as well as reducing anxiety and improving blood pressure. [7]

Vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with low levels of testosterone. Many men lack vitamin D due to more time spent indoors, especially during the winter months when there’s less sunlight. Supplementing with Vitamin D can help counteract this.


Low levels of zinc in your diet can cause testosterone to be converted to estradiol more quickly. [8] If a man’s levels of estradiol get too high, it can cause low sperm quality and even the formation of man boobs.

Vitamin B6

When combined with Zinc, vitamin B6 helps to support healthy testosterone levels. It also helps keep energy levels high throughout the day so you don’t feel exhausted by the time you get home from work.

Vitamin B5

In animal studies, a diet low in Vitamin B5 has been shown to lead to smaller testicles and lower testosterone levels in the blood plasma – it’s essential to keep your levels of this essential vitamin optimised. [9]

Garlic Extract

Supplementing with garlic improves protein metabolism. This means your body will be able to break down protein into amino acids more efficiently, which in turn fuels your muscles better. Garlic, alongside with a high protein diet, has been shown in studies to raise testicular testosterone levels. [10]


Piperine, which is found in black pepper, increases the absorption of each and every ingredient in Testoprime. The more you absorb, the faster you’ll feel the benefits.

Does TestoPrime cause any side effects?

TestoPrime does not list any side effects on their website. However, it’s always best practice to inform your doctor before starting a new supplement regime – just in case the ingredients should interact with any medication you are prescribed.
TestoPrime is free from the following allergens:

  1. Nuts
  2. Soy
  3. Dairy
  4. Grain
  5. Gluten

It’s worth noting that TestoPrime should only be used by over 18s. It is also formulated specifically for men, so I can’t comment on whether it has if any benefits for women.

My Experience with TestoPrime

Who wouldn’t want more energy, better sex, improved muscle tone and less body fat? I can’t think of anybody!
I started looking into testosterone boosters when I hit 45. I really noticed how much more fatigued I was feeling. My wife and I were having sex less and less. Overall, I felt less confident and to put it simply: I was starting to feel like an old me.
I ordered the Buy 2 Get 1 Free package from TestoPrime.com. They do sell a 1 month supply but I think it’s best to give any new supplement a bit more time to see if the results are real, or if it’s just a placebo.
The instructions said to take 4 capsules before breakfast, so I keep it on my bedside cabinet so that I remember to take it as soon as I wake up. That way, a bit of time has passed once I’ve showered, shaved and put out my morning meal.
TestoPrime stated on their website that you might feel the effects of the supplement straight away, but for me, it took about 10 days before I noticed any changes.
I got home from work around 7 pm and usually, I’d be pretty tired. My usual routine after work is to grab a snack, put a show on Netflix and slump on the sofa until dinner is ready.
But that day, as soon as my wife greeted me at the door I was raring to go. We had great sex and it felt like we were newlyweds again! My wife was definitely more satisfied than usual. The rest of the week, I still couldn’t keep my hands off her.
Over the following weeks, my energy levels went up and up. It was easier to get out of bed in the morning and I felt sharper at work.
I even decided to start jogging again! Embarrassingly, I haven’t exercised in a couple of years but with TestoPrime I can feel my fitness returning pretty quickly. My legs look more muscular and at the 3-month mark, I’ve dropped 2 pants sizes.
I don’t think I’d have lost those inches without exercising. What TestoPrime did was give me the energy and motivation to make the lifestyle changes I had put off for so long.
After 3 months using TestoPrime, here are my results:

  1. I’ve lost 18lbs and 2 pants sizes
  2. I have more stamina in the bedroom
  3. I feel energised all day
  4. My muscles don’t get too sore after working out
  5. I’m stronger when it comes to heavy lifting at work

Will everyone get the same results from TestoPrime?

There are other reviews online about TestoPrime and most men have had a similar experience to mine.
They have largely positive reviews on their web store, on Trustpilot and other men’s fitness websites.
That said, it’s not guaranteed to work for you. The formula is one of the strongest I’ve seen that’s available without a prescription.
You’ll almost certainly feel more energised, but if you don’t make any lifestyle changes you’re unlikely to see fat loss or muscle gain.
But it’s worth a try. Their Lifetime Money Back Guarantee means you don’t have to risk losing your money if it doesn’t work for you.

How Can I Buy TestoPrime?

Buy it directly from TestoPrime.com

My Final Thoughts on TestoPrime

The order experience on their website was good, shipping was quick, and I had truly noticeable results from taking TestoPrime. It took 10 days to take effect, but I felt huge benefits in my energy levels, sexual performance and body composition.
I’d give it a 9.5 out of 10
I knocked off half a point for no express shipping – while my order only took 4 days to arrive, I would have liked to get started with it straight away since it took 10 days for me to feel the effects.
Here’s how I rated some factors individually about TestoPrime, and why:

Libido – 10/10

My sex drive was sky high on TestoPrime. I felt like I was 21 again!

Energy – 9.8/10

I felt more energised throughout the day, and more focused when I was working or exercising. It didn’t affect my sleep thankfully. My energy levels seemed to peak around week 8.

Body Composition – 9/10

I lost quite a lot of body fat and put on some muscle mass from exercising while using TestoPrime. While it did give me the energy to work out, I don’t think I would have had the same results without exercise. With that being said, I didn’t make any changes to my diet.

Formula – 10/10

I don’t think there’s anything else TestoPrime could add to this formula to make it any better. The ingredients are well dosed and in high concentrations. I liked that they included piperine to make sure all the ingredients were absorbed.

Price – 8/10

This supplement isn’t cheap – there’s no arguing about that. You do get what you pay for though. This is a quality supplement and although it’s a little on the pricey side, it’s still good value. The 3 Months + 3 Free package is their best value deal.


TestoPrime is a supplement that I’d recommend to my brothers and my friends. It’s probably the best testosterone booster out there that you don’t need a prescription for.
It gave me great results over the last 3 months and I feel like a better, younger version of myself.
If you’re looking for a Testosterone booster to help you with your fitness goals specifically, I’d recommend you read our review of Testo-Max – as it was created specifically for bodybuilders.

Check Best Price for TestoPrime

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1. Physiology, Luteinizing Hormone – Daniel Nedresky; Gurdeep Singh. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539692/

2. Ginseng and male reproductive function – Kar Wah Leung and Alice ST Wong* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3861174/

3. A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults – K. Chandrasekhar, Jyoti Kapoor, and Sridhar Anishetty https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/

4. Relationship Between Circulating Cortisol and Testosterone: Influence of Physical Exercise – Kaye K. Brownlee,1,* Alex W. Moore,1,* and Anthony C. Hackney https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3880087/

5. Fenugreek’s Effects on Hormone Changes and Sexual Function in Healthy Men
By Geovanni Espinosa, ND, LAc, CNS https://www.naturalmedicinejournal.com/journal/2016-10/fenugreek%E2%80%99s-effects-hormone-changes-and-sexual-function-healthy-men

6. Effects of catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin gallate on testosterone production in rat leydig cells – Po-Ling Yu 1, Hsiao-Fung Pu, Sung-Yun Chen, Shyi-Wu Wang, Paulus S Wang https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20432242/#:~:text=Catechins%20increased%20plasma%20testosterone%20in,by%20LCs%20of%20male%20rats.

7. Pomegranate juice intake enhances salivary testosterone levels and improves mood and well being in healthy men and women – Emad Al-Dujaili & Nacer Smail

8. Dietary zinc deficiency alters 5 alpha-reduction and aromatization of testosterone and androgen and estrogen receptors in rat liver – A S Om 1, K W Chung https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8613886/

9. Effects of pantothenic acid on testicular function in male rats – Tatsuya YAMAMOTO 1, Sukanya JAROENPORN, Lingmei PAN, Isao AZUMANO, Masaaki ONDA, Katsuhiro NAKAMURA, Gen WATANABE, Kazuyoshi TAYA

10. Garlic supplementation increases testicular testosterone and decreases plasma corticosterone in rats fed a high protein diet – Y Oi 1, M Imafuku, C Shishido, Y Kominato, S Nishimura, K Iwai https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11481410/